
For Asaf Zakay the decision to sculpt with glass was motivated by his desire to step out of the day-to-day and drop into a space of silence.

Silence, reflection, beauty and light.

Asaf finds peace not just in the meditative process involved in designing and creating these highly technical geometric pendant lights, but in the feelings they evoke for those who sit or move beneath them – the serenity created as refractions dance across their bodies and lighten their spirits.

“As a designer, my creations are fashioned on what is known as the ‘golden ratio’, a mathematical ratio which appeals to the human sense of beauty and balance. I aim to capture the essence of this, which is the essence of nature itself”

The golden ratio is thought to be a fundamental characteristic of the universe. Also referred to as the Fibonacci sequence, it is a pattern found in every living being.

Asaf’s life began in a remote village in Israel. The son of a painter and an accountant, it’s only natural that art and mathematics have melded in his work. After an early career installing Belgian-style stained glass windows, he moved to Australia and discovered sacred geometry.

Thus, Asaf’s designs evolved into his current unique artworks.

Although he has developed his craft to the point of international recognition and his lights have been sold across the globe, they are still handmade and his focus remains on combining spirituality with aesthetic delight.

It’s pendant lighting, but not as you would normally know it.

Custom designed lights reflecting the essence of the universe.